


There are plenty of things we can change. And then, there are many we can't.
Let's talk about the second ones.

Earth spins in ~24 hours - we can't change it.
If you throw a rock, it'll fall to ground - there's no way around that.
Engines need power to run - at least for now, we can't make 'em run without it.

And computers ? They use constants all the time, although it looks like you can never catch their tail. Not only these silly machines can't work without constant power input (and constant voltage), but software part also enjoys using constant data values.

And constant data values are not only letters and numbers - they are represented with certain labels, used as value descriptors. Like postcards have addresses of their recepients...

...constants in software are also labeled, making it easy to determine what kind of data is assigned to which constants.

Data put into constants is not meant to be directly changed by your program.

Let's say the glass on images above represents constant label (container).
Water in glass is constant. It's not changing in time.

Constants in MMB are used:

  •  for various multimedia & system info, like screen size, audio & video duration, windows & project folder paths, media titles, etc.
  •  as command parameters when you want to say something special to MMB (like: please open this in new window, please put this on top, please make some more coffee)

And guess what - some constants can be changed, but indirectly - if you change played audio or video file, it's expected to affect duration & title constants. But MMB performs changes to constants automatically - so you don't have to worry about 'em at all.

Important feature of MMB's constants is ability to retrieve their values into string and numerical variables. This enables wide range of operations over retrieved info.

To copy constant info to numerical variable, you'll start by:

a) writing label of numerical variable:


b) followed by equal sign:


c) and writing constant you want info from:


All together, MMB code line for retrieving current year from CBK_Year constant to numerical variable CurrentYear looks like this:


To copy constant info to string variable, you'll start by:

a) writing label of string variable:


b) followed by equal sign:


c) and writing constant you want info from:


MMB code line for retrieving of Windows version from WinVer() constant to string variable WindowsVer$ looks like this:


As visible from examples above, some constants return numerical values and some return string values (depends on info they contain).



CBK Constants

They sound so scary and ugly (CBK !), but they are nothing more than just a Multimedia & System info constants that can be displayed in text objects, like all multimedia players do !

Ha ! Who would guess it ;-)

CBK type of constant is a property of MMB's Text Object. So let's go there and see what can we find, change, learn:

Next to the "Label" property of text object, there's an arrow button. Click on it opens a menu with list of CBK constants that can be used in your project. They're separated into 6 categories, depending on their info coverage. After setting CBK constant, text object you assigned it to will in runtime mode (when application runs) display info from that constant.

Explanations of all CBK's coming up.

Audio CBK constants

CBK name
Displays total (duration) time of currently loaded audio file. Format of displayed time is mm:ss (minutes:seconds)
CBK_Total Sec
Displays total (duration) time of currently loaded audio file.
Time is displayed in seconds.
Displays current time (position) of loaded audio file.
Format of displayed time is mm:ss (minutes:seconds)
CBK_Time Sec
Displays current time (position) of loaded audio file.
Time is displayed in seconds.
Returns type of loaded MP3 file.
MPEG 1 Layer 3
Returns bitrate of loaded audio file. Bitrate format: kbit/s
Returns sampling frequency of loaded audio file. Frequency is expressed in kHz (n x 1000Hz)
Returns name of loaded audio file, without path and extension.
Barry White - Baby Blues
Returns audio file channel mode.
Can be either Mono or Stereo.
Displays title of MP3 audio file retrieved from ID3 tag.
Baby Blues
Displays artist of MP3 audio file retrieved from ID3 tag.
Barry White
Displays album of MP3 audio file retrieved from ID3 tag.
The Ultimate Collection
Displays year of MP3 audio file retrieved from ID3 tag.
Displays genre of MP3 audio file retrieved from ID3 tag.
Returns number of Audio CD tracks.

Song List CBK constants

CBK name
Displays item currently selected in the song list.
Delirium - After All
Counts and displays number of items in song list.
Counts and displays total duration of all items in song list.
Format of displayed time is mm:ss (minutes:seconds).

You will have to use SongListTime() function to compute CBK_TotalList.

Counts and displays total duration of all items in song list.
Time is displayed in seconds.

You will have to use SongListTime() function to compute CBK_TotalListSec.


Video CBK constants

CBK name
Returns name of playing video file, without path and extension.
Displays total (duration) time of currently playing video file. Format of displayed time is mm:ss (minutes:seconds)
Displays total (duration) time of currently playing video file.
Time is displayed in seconds.
Displays current time (position) of playing video file.
Format of displayed time is mm:ss (minutes:seconds)
Displays current time (position) of playing video file.
Time is displayed in seconds.
Returns number of frames of playing video file.
Displays current frame (position) of playing video file.

Date & Time CBK constants

CBK name
Displays current year.
Displays current year's month using text format.
CBK_Month Num
Displays current year's month using integer (number) format in range 1 - 12.
Displays day of current week using text format.

Displays day of current week using integer (number) format.
Range 1-7 represents days:

  • Sunday = 1
  • Monday = 2
  • Tuesday = 3
  • Wednesday = 4
  • Thursday = 5
  • Friday = 6
  • Saturday = 7
Displays current month's day using integer (number) format in range
1 - 31.
Displays current date using short Windows format DD/MM/YY (day:month: year).
Displays current date using long Windows format Month Day, YYYY
July 23, 2004
Displays current system time using H:M:S (hours:minutes: seconds) format and AM/PM time division.
01:06:12 PM
Displays current system time using HH:MM:SS (hours:minutes: seconds), 24-hour format.
Displays current time hour in range 0 - 23.
Displays current time minute in range 0 - 59.
Displays current time second in range 0 - 59.

General CBK constants

CBK name
Displays label of currently opened project page.
Intro Page

Returns (eventual) errors sent by FMOD audio engine or Video Object.
FMOD errors are returned using integer values.
See list here.

Returns current master volume in percentage (0-100).
Displays current URL from MMB's HTML Object (if it's available).
After using MMB's Open File dialogbox, this CBK displays selected file name without path.
After using MMB's Open File dialogbox, this CBK displays path of selected file.
Run command sends return values from the running application (if return codes were implemented in application) to this CBK object.
Returns RGB value from MMB's Color Picker dialogbox. Color picking uses RGB (Red, Green, Blue) system containing 3 components.

Each component can have one of 256 levels. Greater value of component increases color intensity. If you specify value 0, color component will not be used. Value 255 uses maximum color intensity.

Result of Color Picker is a comma-separated array of string values, each representing one RGB component (first: red, second: green, third: blue) in value range 0-255.

To retrieve color value, simply assign contents of CBK_SelColor to a string variable:




Script CBK constants

CBK name
If you set label of script object either on current project page or Master Top Layer to match this CBK constant, that script will be launched when audio file (mp3 and ogg) playback ends. MMB will first look for this script object on current page and then on Master Top Layer.

If you modify label of object group to start with CBK_Menu, that group will be hidden every time user clicks outside that object group.
This helps you in making pop-up menus, disappearing when user clicks away. On user's click on the screen, all CBK_Menu labeled objects will be hidden except the menu under mouse cursor.
For example check masterpages.mbd that comes in MMB package.

If you set label of object either on Master Top Layer to match this CBK constant, pressing of Escape key on keyboard will not (by default) close your application.
Instead, script under CBK_Exit labeled object will be run, enabling you to create "Do you want to exit ?" message boxes or whatever you want to do when user wants to exit application.
If you set label of Script object either on Master Page/Master Top Layer to match this CBK constant, each time you start your MMB application with some command line parameters, this Script object will be invoked and you will be able to process the passed command line parameters via this script object (e.g. start playback of mp3 file passed by command line parameter or process each of the passed parameters individually).


System Constants

System info plays very important role in adjustments of your project to work on various end-user machines; depending on retrieved info, your project will be able to select most suitable presentation for current machine. In MMB, system constants hold screen, window, processor and memory info and these constants are used as parameters for script commands.

For example:


Script command will use system constant as it's first parameter. See descriptions of real script commands to find out which ones can accept this kind of parameters.


returns width of computer display in pixels as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Display width is: ","ScreenWidth()")



returns height of computer display in pixels as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Display height is: ","ScreenHeight()")



returns width of computer display work area in pixels as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Display work area width is: ","WorkAreaWidth()")


returns height of computer display work area in pixels as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Display work area height is: ","WorkAreaHeight()")



returns X (horizontal) screen position of mouse in pixels as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Current mouse X position: ","MouseX()")



returns Y (vertical) screen position of mouse in pixels as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Current mouse Y position: ","MouseY()")



returns a state of mouse buttons.
If mouse button is pressed then return value is
1 otherwise 0.

Script example:
To Page Start code insert ScriptTimer, which will start a global MouseState detection script

Create new script object called Script and insert the below code into it:





** one button is clicked

If (MState=1) Then

  If (MStateR=1) Then

    LoadText("Text","RIGHT CLICK IS DETECTED")


  If (MStateL=1) Then

    LoadText("Text","LEFT CLICK IS DETECTED")


  If (MStateM=1) Then






  ** none or more than one button is clicked

  LoadText("Text"," ")


** restart mouse detection script


For more advanced example of mouse state detection procedure check the mousestatedetection.mbd example project.



returns manufacturer, type and speed of central processor unit (CPU) as string (text) value

Script example:

Message("CPU in this machine is: ","var$")

Returned value will be for e.g:

Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 CPU 2.40 GHz



returns speed of central processor unit (CPU) in MHz as an integer (number) value

Script example:

Message("CPU frequency in MHz: ","ProcFreq()")

Returned value will be for e.g:




returns quantity of Total and Free RAM memory as string (text) values.

These values are separated using slash / character, so use MMB's advanced string functions to extract individual memory values.

Script example:

Message("Machine memory status: ","GetMemory()")

Returned value will be for e.g:


(first value represents Total Memory, second Free Memory)



returns integer (number) value having one of two available states:

1 = machine runs WinNT-family operating system
0 = machine doesn't run WinNT-family operating system

Script example:

Message("WinNT-compatible OS present: ","UsingWinNT()")

If WinNT family OS is present, returned value will be:




returns major, minor and build version of running Windows as string (text) value

These values are separated with dot . so use MMB's advanced string functions to extract individual version values.

Script example:

Message("Windows version : ","var$")

Returned value will be for e.g:


Windows have somewhat standardized version numbers. Here's a list:

Windows 95
Windows 95 SP1
4.00.(>950) / 4.00.(<=1080)
Windows 95 OSR2
Windows 98
Windows 98 SP 1
4.10.(>1998) / 4.10.(<2183)
Windows 98 SE
Windows Me
Windows NT 3.51
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
Windows XP/SP1



returns number of colors currently being used by Windows & graphics card

Value returned is integer (number) and represents number of colors (16,256) for lower modes or number of bits (16, 32) for higher graphic modes.

Script example:

Message("Current graphics color mode: ","ScreenColors()")

Returned value will be for e.g:


Publication Constants

This constants are related to application window of your project. You can retrieve various window sizes, position and check if project window is minimized.



returns width of project's window in pixels (with border) as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Project window width + border is: ","PubWidth()")



returns height of project's window in pixels (with border & title) as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Project window height + border and title is: ","PubHeight()")



returns width of project's window (workarea) in pixels (without border) as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Workarea width is: ","ClientWidth()")



returns height of project's window (workarea) in pixels (with border & title) as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Workarea height: ","ClientHeight()")



returns X (horizontal) position of project's window in pixels as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Project window X position: ","PubX()")



returns Y (vertical) position of project's window in pixels as an integer value

Script example:
Message("Project window Y position: ","PubY()")



returns X (horizontal) position of specified object

Position retrieving starts from upper-left corner of project's window.
Returned position represents object's upper-left corner.

Specifying of object you want position for is done through label inside parenthesis.
For example: ObjectX(Button)

Script example:

Message("Current object X position: ","ObjectX(Button)")

Script line above will retrieve upper-left corner X position of object labeled "Button"



returns Y (vertical) position of specified object

Position retrieving starts from upper-left corner of project's window.
Returned position represents object's upper-left corner.

Specifying of object you want position for is done through label inside parenthesis.
For example: ObjectY(Button)

Script example:

Message("Current object Y position: ","ObjectY(Button)")

Script line above will retrieve upper-left corner Y position of object labeled "Button"



returns width of specified object in pixels

Width retrieving starts from object's upper-left corner

Specifying of object you want width for is done through label inside parenthesis.
For example: ObjectWidth(Button)

Script example:

Message("Button width is: ","ObjectWidth(Button)")

Script line above will retrieve width of object labeled "Button"



returns height of specified object in pixels

Height retrieving starts from object's upper-left corner

Specifying of object you want height for is done through label inside parenthesis.
For example: ObjectHeight(Button)

Script example:

Message("Button height is: ","ObjectHeight(Button)")

Script line above will retrieve height of object labeled "Button"



returns X position of left/top point of the image inside the Image object.
This is useful in case if image inside the Image object is bigger/smaller than Image object itself and it's scrollable inside the Image object ("Keep Actual Image Size" option must be enabled).

ImageScrollX returns negative values if left/top corner of the image object is out of the visible area of the Image object.

Script example:

Message("X position of Bitmap is: ","ImageScrollX(Bitmap)")

Script line above will retrieve X position of Left/Top corner of Bitmap.



returns Y position of left/top point of the image inside the Image object.
This is useful in case if image inside the Image object is bigger/smaller than Image object itself and it's scrollable inside the Image object ("Keep Actual Image Size" option must be enabled).

ImageScrollY returns negative values if left/top corner of the image object is out of the visible area of the Image object.

Script example:

Message("Y position of Bitmap is: ","ImageScrollY(Bitmap)")

Script line above will retrieve Y position of Left/Top corner of Bitmap.



returns full width of image in pixels.

While ObjectWidth returns width of the object, ImageWidth returns width of entire Image, even if some parts of Image are invisible (because image is bigger than Image object).

Specifying of image you want width for is done through label inside parenthesis.
For example: ImageWidth(Bitmap)

Script example:

Message("Image width is: ","ImageWidth(Bitmap)")

Script line above will retrieve width of image labeled "Bitmap"



returns full height of image in pixels.

While ObjectHeight returns height of the object, ImageHeight returns height of entire Image, even if some parts of Image are invisible (because image is bigger than Image object).

Specifying of image you want height for is done through label inside parenthesis.
For example: ImageHeight(Bitmap)

Script example:

Message("Image height is: ","ImageHeight(Bitmap)")

Script line above will retrieve height of image labeled "Bitmap"



returns the current state (0/1 = OFF/ON) of a given video parameter:


FullScreen mode is enabled (1) or disabled (0)


Loop is enabled (1) or disabled (0)


Sound is enabled (1) or disabled (0)


Video is switched to Time mode (1).
0 = Video is in frame mode


Video is switched to Frame mode (1)
0 = Video is in time mode 

Script example:

GetVideoState=GetVideoParam(Video, fullscreen)
returns 0 or 1 according the current state of Video screen

GetVideoState=GetVideoParam(Video, mute)
returns 0 or 1 if the audio Mute is disabled/enabled



returns width (if ScrollBar is vertical) or height (if ScrollBar is horizontal) of image ScrollBar in pixels.

It's useful in cases when ScrollBar in Image object is enabled and you want to know the size of Image object including the ScrollBars. ScollBar size can be different on various OS.

Script example:

Message("Image ScrollBar height is: ","ScrollBarSize(Bitmap)")

Script line above will retrieve size of ScrollBar from image object labeled "Bitmap"



this constant will check if specified object exists on current page and is it visible or hidden

Integer value is returned, having one of three available states:

-1 = object doesn't exist on current page
 0 = object is hidden
 1 = object is visible

Specifying of object you want status for is done through label inside parenthesis.

Script example:
Message("Object status : ","IsVisible(Button)")

Example above will check if object labeled "Button" exists and is it visible or hidden.
If object doesn't exist, message box will display "-1".



this constant will check if application window of your project is minimized

Integer value is returned, having one of two available states:

1 = project window is minimized
0 = project window is not minimized

Script example:
Message("Project window status: ","IsMinimized()")


Path Macros

In MMB, there are fixed and dynamic paths:

Fixed path: complete drive + folder + file path that is static, pointing to one location.
For example:
c:\My Wonderful Project\App\MyApp.exe

Fixed path downside is zero-adjustability of source folder by your end-user; he can't select where application will be installed, and that's not professional approach to end-users these days.

Dynamic path: in MMB path macros are being used to make easier locating of frequently used folders. While path macros read current path to your application, using them you assure end-user adjustability of installation folder.

Path macros in MMB are string (text) values and you will use them as a script command parameters. For example:


Example above uses path macro called <ProjectFolder>\ to retrieve folder where your application is located. After path macro you write full file name (in this case: MyApp.exe).

Besides those available in MMB, there are additional path macros available in MMB PlugIns; refer to their documentation for more info on this subject.

Now, let's see what path macros we can use directly in MMB:


The most often used path macro, represents folder where your (running) application is located.
While other project files are usually also located there (or in subfolders), Source Directory (SrcDir) macro becomes common part of file-oriented commands in your project.

If complete path to your application is:

c:\Program Files\My Project Folder\MyApp.exe

...then <SrcDir> version of this path would be:


It's much easier that way, isn't it ? For every file path inside your project's folder you will substitute fixed path with dynamic version and enjoy all benefits of self-adjusting paths !

Inside MMB script command, this path macro would look like this:


Example above instructs script command to use <SrcDir>\ inside second parameter and locate application's source directory before looking for file (MyApp.exe).

Once MMB translates this path macro, it's again full path (for e.g. c:\Program Files\My Project\MyApp.exe) and script command can be run.

Notice: MMB runs project files in two modes:

  •   Design Mode - while editing your project in MMB, using Project -> Run option will execute project internally, where <SrcDir> becomes MMB's installation folder (for example c:\Program Files\Multimedia Builder) and all files you refer to using <SrcDir> should be placed there.
    This mode is enabled when Tools -> Designer Settings is set to internal player:

  •   RunTime Mode - executes project either after compiling (File -> Compile) as stand-alone EXE file, or when Tools -> Designer Settings is set to specified external player:

    What is "external player" ? It's an instance of compiled (EXE) file placed in some folder (for e.g. D:\Source\Autorun.exe ). Once you refer to it in Tools -> Designer Settings (for e.g. D:\Source), <SrcDir> for projects you run in MMB editor becomes source folder of external player and all files you refer to using <SrcDir> should be placed there.


Represents root folder of (source) drive your application is running on.


If your application is located on C drive, <SrcDrive> path macro will return:


This macro is suitable for ROM-oriented media projects (run from CD-ROMs, DVDs) that must reach data folders starting from the root folder of media.



Returns root folder of the first available CD drive.

If first available CD drive is placed on E letter, <CD> path macro will return:


This macro is also suitable for ROM-oriented media projects (run from CD-ROMs, DVDs) that must reach data folders starting from the root folder of media. Also works well for multimedia players for locating default Audio CD / DVD drive. Downside of this macro is - it cannot enumerate all drives, but only the first one.



Returns folder used by your application for placing of embedded files.

As you can see on images above, locations of embedded folders are Window's folders for temporary files and they differ on Windows OS families.

For example. If you have embedded sound file:


It's location with path macro will be:


When you run application, MMB will translate that path (for itself) either to:

c:\Windows\Temp\MMBPlayer\MySound.wav (for Windows 9x OS family)

...or to something like:

c:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp\MMBPlayer\MySound.wav (for Windows NT OS family, where folders for temporary files are individual for users)



Returns Windows root folder.

For example, if Windows is installed on the C drive and you want to find win.ini file, location with path macro will look like this:


When you run application, MMB will translate that path (for itself) to:


In MMB, <Windows> path macro is usually called to locate system INI files.



Returns Windows System folder.

If you're trying to locate program:


It's location with path macro will be:


When you run application, MMB will translate that path (for itself) either to:

c:\Windows\System\dxdiag.exe (for Windows 9x OS family)

...or to something like:

c:\Windows\System32\dxdiag.exe (for Windows NT OS family)



Returns Windows Temp folder used for placing of Windows temporary files.

If you have some temporary file:


It's location with path macro will be:


When you run application, MMB will translate that path (for itself) either to:

c:\Windows\Temp\TempList.txt (for Windows 9x OS family)

...or to something like:

c:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp\TempList.txt (for Windows NT OS family, where folders for temporary files are individual for users)


Returns full path & name of file opened using MMB's Open File dialogbox.

If you open file:


that path can be retrieved later by simply pointing to:


Content of this path macro is changed every time user selects & opens file, so it's recommended to use string variables or arrays for multiple path storage.



Enables operations specific to MMB's internal play list and ListBox object.

<List> constant holds items present in MMB's Internal Song List, so you can easily transfer all it's items to MMB's ListBox Object.

Script example:


In real-code example above, content of <List> will be transfered to ListBox object labeled "SongList" . For more info on ListBoxAddItem command, refer to ListBox Commands section.



<This> is a special macro useful only in MCI command. It will tell the device the MMB window will be the parent.

Here is a small sample how to play MPG movie inside the mbd project in the position (100,50,100,100):

MCICommand ("open <SrcDir>\sample.mpg alias MPEG style child parent <This>")
MCICommand ("put MPEG window at 100 50 200 200")
MCICommand ("window MPEG state hide")
MCICommand ("play MPEG")

MMB Scripting Unleashed by Bokzy, 2003 :: All rights reserved ::